Thank you!
You’ve joined an incredible group of young women making a genuine difference in the world, every donation changes the life of someone struggling to conceive.
After your donation, we will let you know how many eggs we were able to collect and invite you to write a pen picture of yourself and a goodwill message for the recipient of your eggs. Your eggs will then be stored, until they are matched to a recipient.
At the end of your donation cycle, when everything is complete, you’ll receive £750 in compensation to cover your time and any expenses incurred over the course of the donation process.
Is there anything I need to know for the future?
Women are typically born with around 1-2 million potential eggs and studies show that donating eggs has no impact on your fertility.
You will receive stimulation hormones to mature your eggs and there is no evidence to suggest that your future fertility will be compromised. We use an optimal dose of stimulation to reduce any side-effects and complications.
When you become a donor, if you want to, you are entitled to know about any babies born as a result of your donation. You won’t be given any personal details, but you can be told whether the baby is a boy or a girl, and the year they were born.
The regulations in UK mean that babies born from egg donors are able have basic information on their donors from 16 years of age and further from the age of 18. Read more on the legal implications of donating.